Pink Trash Travels

Gaga on X Factor

Gaga is in full force getting ready for "Artpop's" release. So this weekend, she performed two songs on the UK version of "X Factor." "Venus" and "Do What U Want." The first was to be the next single but because of overwhelming response, "Do What U Want" is now lined up to succeed "Applause." Check out the performance below.

Do U Know Matthew Hussey?

Matthew Hussey pops over to Hoda and Kathy Lee every now and then to give relationship advice. I'm happy when he does. He is adorable with his buttoned up looks, coiffed hair and sweet smile. I don't listen much, just look. And look. And look.

Get it GURL

Christie Brinkley was on Hoda and Kathy today promoting a "Sports Illustrated" book. She looks amazing for 60! For 50. For 40. 30. Or even 20. Whoever is her surgeon I want to know. A great combination of genetics and knowing when to say when with plastic surgery.

Potty Mouth

This video of a child taking into consideration all he ate while sitting on the potty is one of the funniest YouTube videos I've seen in months. And, basically summarizes how I feel sometimes after Fat Sally Sunday!

Wendy Schools Miley

I try to watch "The Wendy Williams Show" every night on BET at 11:00 p.m. It's a replay from the live version that airs at 10 a.m. The show has grown into an entertaining program all because of the host. There's just something about Wendy, her humor, reaction to life, etc. that I find appealing. Check out her thoughts on Miley and you'll see why.


Watching TV can teach you so much. Sofia Vergara on "Chelsea Lately" talked about her Monokini - basically a bikini attached with some material. See, it's not always about hot men. PTT appreciates a beautiful woman too.

Miley Yes!

Miley, I agree. Except for my "morning" is around 4 a.m. :)

Thanks ABC

Well last night's "Dancing with the Stars" delivered a shirtless Brant Daugherty. Thanks ABC.

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Go Shirtless Brant Daugherty or Else

I can't remember the last time I watched ABC's "Dancing with the Stars." But because Brant Daugherty appears on this season, I'm tempted to give the show a whirl. He'd better take his shirt off - just sayin'.

So Bad But So Good?

If you haven't heard Ylvis and their song "The Fox (What does the Fox Say?", you must be living under a rock. Likely to go down as one of the worst songs ever, the comedy duo from Norway's song just climbed into the US top 10. It's so bad apparently it's good.

Gravity Soars But Falls Flat for PTT

My friends and I saw "Gravity" last night at the Navy Pier IMAX in Chicago. I didn't know much about the film and wasn't necessarily sparked to see it by the ads. But the reviews (and my friend DP) sold me so I went. The outcome? The movie is visually stunning on the big screen. But after 60 minutes, I was a little bored. That, and I never quite never surrendered to believing the film and characters. It probably didn't help that Sandra now looks like an elf and George was, well, George. "Gravity" is, however, on track for the largest October non-sequel opening weekend of all time with $48,000,000.

Britney's Work Bitch Video Hits!

She's working it harder than she has in years, but at times it still seems like Brit is stuck in glue. Editing helps. At least she holds my interest until the end. Check it out below.

Josh Kelly is Real...Really Hot

I had never heard of Josh Kelly. But he's apparently tapped to co-star in a Lietime drama pilot "Unreal." Perhaps I should revisit the soap as well as ensure my DVR is set to record. Sweet Jesus he's hot.