Pink Trash Travels

Hooked Up!

After having a great workout at the gym today (and analyzing my body composition report that details my gain of 12 good pounds since leaving Chicago), I rushed home to meet the electric company. Alyse has been without power since Friday. And in true French fashion, they weren't able to meet me until today - five days after the shut-off. Having felt horrible, we offered her a place to stay. Fortunately, she has a boyfriend who kept her company (and with hot water and television).

I also completed my editorial submission for Instinct Magazine's January edition. Titled "Paris Unwrapped," I detail why rewarding yourself with a trip to Paris in January is a good thing. It's not about where to go and what to do. Those elements are covered in thousands of books and magazines on sale now. Rather, I comically address the weather, street vibe, and Parisian shopping experiences in January - especially the bi-annual "Soldes" that begin just after the new year and in late June/July. After the initial email to the magazine, where the attachement fell into a dark, black hole, I apparently intrigued the editor with my pitch. I've just resent. We'll see where it goes from here!