Pink Trash Travels

Preparing for New Years

Now that I'm home for New Year's Eve, I have to decide how I'll spend the evening. I've never been a fan of the amateur night. I'd prefer to gather friends around a board game with a buffet of junk food in the distance. But this year, since a friend is having a "creative" black-tie affair to celebrate the holiday as well as his birthday, my hopes of a "family" game night are quickly diminishing.

Of course, I want to see everyone. That's the reason Chris sent me home. But I don't like to play dress-up and feel uncomfortable. And since I'm detoxing until an unspecified date in the future, I'll be the sober one as most ring in the New Year with more than a twinkle in their eye.

Oh well. If there's anything I've learned, it's to be flexible. So whether I'm surrounded by friends or home with ABC's Rockin New Year's Eve, here's to a glorious 2007.