Pink Trash Travels

Smoking? No. Napping? Yes.

Today the French wake up to wave one of the new no smoking ban. But as they do, now comes word that they are pushing for naps on the job. Apparently, 56% of the French complain poor sleep affects their job performance - and that's with a 35 hour work week and almost two months of vacation. Honestly, I take side with those on the quest for power naps. Based on my eperience, a 15 minute nap does wonders for the senses.

While at Rand McNally, I would routinely drive my Jeep Cherokee to the park, open the sunroof, eat my Subway sandwich and take a short snoozer. With the sun warming my face, I'd enjoy the soothing sounds of lite FM as I re-energized my body. Once I returned to work, I was refreshed and ready for more useless meetings to decide what color should represent state lines.

So I applaud Health Minister Xavier Bertrand's call for more nap studies. And if that fails, pull a George Costanza and build yourself a place to nap under your desk as he did in The Nap episode number 152. Just don't include an alarm clock.