As Bad as a Hangnail

Since moving last month, there hasn't been much to complain about in regards to living in Munich. I believe the only topic that gets my goose is Leo's Sports Club. And sure enough, again today the gym irritated me like a badly pulled hangnail.
I forgot my towel as I decided to go for a "run and sun" in the park when I returned home. So, as I was working out, one of the trainers approached me and asked if I had a towel. "No," I replied. Nicely, he informed me of Leo's policy that all members must be in possession of a towel while working out. "No problem," I answered back. He was nice about it, and he's kind of cute, so I smiled and went to the front desk to rent a sweat rag (because at Leo's, you rent a towel - they aren't given to you free of charge).
I thought it would cost me maybe €.25. But when I went to check out, I found out it was €1.00. Yes, €1.00 for towel rental. Besides that, I was under the impression you could charge items to your account. Again, I was wrong. Luckily I had spare change with me to pay for the silliness.
I'm sure it's expensive to wash towels. Not only do you have to pay for soap and water, but somebody is needed to fold and stack them properly. But for the premiere sports club in Munich, providing a towel should be complimentary. No wonder they've had to reduce their initiation and membership fees since I joined in June. Such craziness is driving members away like bad Paco Rabanne cologne.
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