More unknowns this week on Club Fridays. Up first is Valeria ft. Aria and her single Girl I Told Ya' (Dave Aude Mix). Honestly, it's a bit campy. And some may, at first, find it unappealing. But give it a chance. It's one of my favorites this week as it sounds a bit different - not the norm. And of course, Dave Aude (www.daveaude.com) performs another fine remix. For the track link, go here. And for additional information on Valeria, including video and more, be sure to check out here website here. For those of you who use iTunes (yes, there are still some out there not connected to Apple's money machine), surprisingly, they have available the original mix and additional production by Trent Cantrelle. Both are just as hot!
Next is one of Perez Hilton's favorite bands. He featured them a few months back as someone to watch. Their original mixes are fun, but I prefer the dance versions including Bimbo Jones take on Rainy Monday. For the track link, go here. To find out more about Shiny Toy Guns, visit their website here.
And as promised, let's move it forward and throw it back with Lifelike and Kris Menace's mash-up of TLC's No Scrubs and Discopolis. The latter is a dub track that hit it big last year - especially in France and Ibiza. And of course, No Scrubs stands on its own as one of those we all remember from the early 90s. I appreciate the fact that the remixers left in most of the vocals. For the track link, go here.
Please note: the songs featured on this site are notices to links only (and mostly unavailable for purchase). I do not upload any music - I merely share the links to tracks I find interesting and noteworthy. Should you care to have the material removed, simply send me an email.
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