Mykonos Live! - Day Four
It finally happened - we hit our social stride yesterday. After having a relaxing day by the pool on Saturday, I forced Chris to go to the beach. Once there, we muddled our way through the process including not only finding chairs but locating the perfect location to "guy watch." The later didn't happen as it was prime time at the beach so we were pushed to the back. But because of where we settled (and the fact my voice apparently carries), we met a group from Munich and Germany who, of all places, are originally from Chicago and Detroit (partially anyway).
So after spending some time with them, as well as our friends from Munich who we stumbled across while running to catch the ferry (which we missed), we found oursevles at a table of 13 for dinner around midnight and out drinking until 4 a.m. - both of which are unusual for the Lutman/Young household. But because of the crowd (and those other hotties around us), it was all worth it.
I don't think we'll be returning to the beach before we leave as Chris wants quality pool time to relax. That could all change, however, if my Greek God in the picture below were to ask me personally to find my way back to his stomping grounds. Talk about a reason to do anything!
Look for more pictures next week (especially of my favorite Greek standing in the sea...YIKES!)
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