Uh Oh Spaghettios!

Well, tonight, it finally happened. I forgot to delete the website reference when I replied to an email from my cousin - and one that went to my uncle and another cousin in Texas. All of which means, if they scroll to the bottom of their email, they'll notice the link and possibly visit this site.
The last time this occurred, I went in and removed all references (or the obvious ones) about my sexual orientation. At this point, I'm afraid it's too late. I sent the email more than two hours ago with exchanges of emails in between. And let's be honest, there's no possible way I can go and "degay" this site (like in the Birdcage). Pink Trash Travels is too far gone.
So, dear uncle and cousin, if you're reading this, there are two things you should know: (1) I'm gay and (2) The grandparents don't know - just how I hope it remains. If not, well, all should make for an interesting Christmas when I return to Kansas to celebrate the holidays with those who are in the know - and not.
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