What Happened MTV?

But before I rip into what should have been a highlight of my year, I want to thank MTV Germany and McDonald's for providing us the tickets and the opportunity to go. It's not everyday you get the chance to attend an MTV Awards show.
Now, the reality. For starters, the line-up of attendees had to be one of the worst on record. I knew beforehand who would be performing live, but the list of presenters was even worse with the likes of Boris Becker and Michael Stipe. Something kept the stars away. Was it me? We all know how fame eludes me.
As for the venue, it was oversized and too big for the audience in attendance. The MTV Music Awards in New York has an intimate feel about it. I expected the same for Munich. Instead, it was as though we were at a generic concert stadium with empty seats around the nosebleed area.
Speaking of nosebleeds, mine should have been running red. We were six rows from the top. But what made it worse was the smoke that bellowed around me. You'd think the building was on fire. And this is even after the fact that the announcer stated very clearly that there was no smoking allowed indoors. And it's not as though I could ask one person to stop smoking. EVERYONE was smoking. Besides that, they all had cameras too. And I was told specifically not to bring my camera. So why should I be surprised? Apparently you do the opposite of what you're told.
Then there's Amy Winehouse. This talented yet tragic performer, after winning her first award, could barely stand up as she muttered one word to the audience, "Thanks." She then stumbled down the stairs and back into the bathroom most likely to do more nose candy. This, sadly, was a highlight of our 45 minutes. And after just watching her perform at home, she must have stayed in that bathroom quite a while as it didn't sound like she was singing in English. The girl is troubled.
I am excited, however, about my plastic mug with handle I received when I purchased my fizzy water for five Euros at the Wiener stand. It's the perfect size and texture for me to sip my Coke Zero while eating my turkey sandwhich at 5:00 p.m. during the King of Queens. So it looks like the evening wasn't a total bust.
Next year the awards show is scheduled for Liverpool. One can only hope MTV has better luck at pulling it all together. That, or just make sure everybody watches the telecast from home. It looks much better on TV.
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