Pink Trash Travels

Random Thoughts 4 Today

I don't know the last time I've seen the sun. It's been cold and raining here in Munich for days. Where's the blue Bavarian sky? I'm going to see The Golden Compass this evening - even though it tanked in America. I'm excited to take a sandwich, chips, a few M & Ms and a Coke Zero, sit in the balcony, and enjoy the show. I get my haircut tomorrow. I'm contemplating cutting it all off - again. But, most likely, I'll keep growing it out to get the 70's shag I'm targeting. I have a lead on a job in America. The problem is I'm not sure if it's really what I want to do. I truly just want a job that I love (I know, it's rare). Is finding one related to entertainment too much to ask in Chicago? I mean, I'm an entertainment whore. Who wouldn't want that on their staff?