I'm Just Sayin'

(1) People smell. And for some reason, it seems train people smell worse than others. That, or because at times we're stacked on top of one another, we get a closer whiff. Either way, don't these people know they smell? If I even sense an odd odor on me or any of my clothes, I quickly resolve the problem. Apparently others don't. I think they should.
(2) I can't imagine backpacking through Europe. A group of "kids" boarded with backpacks, tents, stuffed animals and pillows. They could barely squeeze through the door. That experience just sounds horrid. Most likely, they're staying in a hostel. "No way!" I say. If I'm going to backpack through Europe, I'll make sure there's a room at the Four Seasons where I can respectfully plop down my bag and make my way to the spa.
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