My Self-Assessment

We started the night at the Elysium Hotel for sunset drinks (big surprise!) And for me, that's quite enough. I've decided the perfect night out in Mykonos is meeting for cocktails around 7 p.m., having fun until 9 or so, then finding dinner and going to bed. There's no need to continue on with the evening.
I'm sure other vacationers would argue. In fact, I know they would. Their night doesn't truly begin until after midnight when they've taken a nap, eaten and started drinking again at Jackie O's or Pierro's - continuing on until the crack of dawn. Which, is something I thought I'd want to experience, but have quickly determined that scenario is not for me. Which leads me to begin thinking about what I feel I "should do" vs. what I "want to do."
I "feel as though" I should go to the beach. I "feel as though" I should stay out late. But do I want to? I suppose, if anything, this trip to Mykonos has made me closely examine why I "feel "the need to do anything. Is it because I "feel" as though I'll miss something? Or perhaps it might be that I want to "feel" like the popular kid in school - doing what's considered the classic cool routine in Mykonos? Maybe it's the thought of "feeling" old because I'm no longer in touch with the hot topics (such as when you lose taste of today's popular music)?
No matter the answer, the analysis of this "feeling" has made me come to the conclusion that I should only do something I "want to do." Forget the extraneous influences or those rules established by others. Life is too short to worry myself over such small details.
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