Pink Trash Travels

A Five Hour Tour

Craigslist amazes me every time. Just five hours ago, I made a post selling three left-over appliances in our home. We were going to throw them out, but then realized we should try to grab something for them. It's now 11:14 p.m., and the gas range, microwave and dishwasher have been picked-up and paid for.

Of course, I had my friend Joel stop by so I wasn't at home alone with the buyers showed up. You just never know. They could have been mass murderers. And since Maddie's limp would stop her from being too vicious, I thought I needed more back-up.

In the end, I didn't need the help. Ty and Bob were very nice. And they may return this weekend to collect the kitchen cabinets, countertops, pedestal sinks and random light fixtures - all for a minimal price however. With the costs soaring for the new house, I can't let a buck pass through my nubs.