Red Tomato Creative Communications is Born

Because I've been asked for business cards on my most recent visits to possible clients, I decided to create business cards. This creative endeavor also required me to imagine a business name. So, this week I've been bubbling the big ideas. The result? I'm proud to announce the launch of Red Tomato Creative Communications.
I'm sure you're thinking, "WTF?" That's the idea. I wanted something unexpected. That, and when I'm asked exactly what I do, my response is, "My experience is hard to categorize as I've done it all it seems." So, because this parallels most people's inability to categorize a tomato as a fruit or vegetable, I thought the red icon was appropriate to best represent my new creative communications company.
Red Tomato Creative Communications is born.
Note: Unfortunately, the white business card doesn't frame out in the image above. But you get the idea. Simple, crisp graphic against a white background. The flip side has an exaggerated red tomato as the background with the tagline, "No matter how you slice it, we've got you covered. Creative Development and Execution. Strategic Planning. Internal and External Communications. Special Event Production."
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