Pink Trash Travels

Pink Trash Travels to: Gethsemane's

Along with the "what seems to be the millions of dollars we're spending on our new home's construction" comes the need for landscaping as well. So, to save a few dollars, I ventured North this morning to attend a landscaping class at Gethsemane Gardens. I had spotted a disanthus cercidifolios tree there a few weeks ago along with what I call a "Dr. Seuss meets Charlie Brown" evergreen tree. Both are quite expensive as Gethsemane's is known for being pricey. So I found out I could save 20% by sitting through a lecture on landscape design. All of which means I started my day early today by popping out of bed at 6:45, drinking by protein shake by 7, lifting at the gym by 8, showering by 9:30 and arriving at the garden center by 10. Needless to say, I'm a bit tired as of 5:00 p.m. But saving over $150 makes it all worth it.