Going Hollywood

As I wrote last week, a film crew was shooting the pilot The Line next door and across the street. And even though we weren't part of the official shoot, we were compensated for running a cord through our backyard. But it didn't stop there. They overtook our front yard too - without permission. So I raised the red flag - not necessarily trying to get more money but because they weren't following protocol. As such, we received more cash (all a good thing).
Today, one of the production managers stopped by the house so I could fill out some new paperwork to receive our additional funds. Of course, I had the house in perfect condition - music playing and all. And after talking to Raul, I gave him the grand tour. While doing so, not only did I learn he was in awe of our house, but he also is "family."
So for the next hour or so, we hung out, talked about his job, his boyfriend, etc. Of course, we also discussed him wanting to return to film our house. After all, if it's going to take me a few years to get famous, maybe our house can beat me to the punch.
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