Pink Trash Travels

Pink Trash Travels to: Vince Outlet

When in Orlando, you visit the outlet malls. it's just what you do. So yesterday, Chris and I ventured over to the premier outlet where you'll find Thomas Pink, Niemen Marcus Last Call, Y3, Ferragamo and VINCE. We almost walked by the latter as it has a small store front, but I'm glad we spotted the establishment as inside we found quite the bargains.

The racks at Vince were not only full of prices marked down from $300 plus to just under $50, but they were lined with my size. Apparently, the mall trash doesn't wander inside - all a good thing for many reasons. So Cassandra, the store manager, and her assistant, helped Chris and I find 10 items from plaid shorts to long sleeve hoodies (perfect for Mykonos) - all made with the the most soft cotton and design aesthetic.

For more information, or to visit the store:

4957 International Dr
Orlando, FL 32819