Pink Trash Travels

Always Something

One of the benefits of owning a home is the ability to garden in your backyard. Of course, the flip side to this luxury is the pain associated with watching blowing cotton cover your grass and hydrangeas dying from what I learned today are leaftiers.

I thought my annabelle hydrangea leaves were "wilting" because the plants were thirsty at some point. Wrong. After opening a few leaves, I found little worms with brown heads who apparently like to "glue" foliage together for protection as they feed. "No wonder they look stunted!" I declared.

So away Chris and I went to the garden center that sold us eight of these defective plants. Fortunately, they provided an organic insecticide that should kill these little buggers (and of course, I mean this literally). Here's to hoping my spray will solve my problem so that my annabelle hydrangeas have the opportunity to rebound before fall hits - which in Chicago, could be next month.