Pink Trash Travels

Mucus Reading

I've been cooped up at home for almost two days now. I started getting sick yesterday - originally thinking my sore throat was the result of a fan blowing cold air on my face. Turns out I have an infection as my sinuses are now blocked. I've been downing German drugs, using Neti Pot, consuming Vitamin C and garlic, and drinking plenty of liquids such as cranberry juice, green tea and honey water all with the hopes of curbing a full blown infection. I think I might be winning the war.

I just secreted yellow mucus. Of course, I was worried this was just the next step before green. But according to internet research, yellow mucus is a good sign that my body is fighting off he infection. So I'm hoping with a good night's sleep, aided by Benadryl, I'll wake-up feeling 100% better. Well, at least 50%.