Pink Trash Travels

Towleroad Stirs the Pot

Towleroad recently featured THIS snippet of an interview with McDonald's COO Don Thompson. From that, Towleroad states in their headline, "Company's American 'Core Values" Exclude Gays?" It's a bit of a stretch, one that's not out of the realm of possibility, but from where I stand, you mustn't read too much into Don's statements or Towleroad's opinion.

For starters, Don can have his own beliefs and McDonald's can have certain core values. Sure, one could jump to the conclusion that both are related (as the article seems to do). But just because Don states he's a Christian doesn't mean he thinks any less of gays. The world has just programmed us to believe that the two are related - and in some circumstances, they're not.

Secondly, McDonald's does have certain core values. But again, those don't necessarily reject homosexuals. So the two shouldn't be married in thought.

Because speaking as a McDonald's family, and one where my other half works closely with those noted in the article, we've experienced nothing but acceptance. So to support Towleroad's statement would be unjust.