Like a crazy person, last night we ventured down to Grant Park for Lady Gaga at Lollapalooza (along with 50K other fans). We positioned ourselves, to the stage left, around 5:00. And there we stood for another five hours - between 16-year old trannies and jocks. All of which made me think to myself, "This is pretty amazing." Because not only was the show a non-stop, two hour theatre spectacle with preaching thrown in for good measure, the mixed crowd is really a testament to the power of the Haus of Gaga.
Lady Gaga brings gays and straights together - and nobody cares. Jocks stand next to trannies while prom queens sway beside band geeks. All of which made me imagine how differently the world might be in five or 10 years when these kids (and yes, they were mostly kids), rise up to take their place in society. Hopefully Gaga, and the rest of us, will still be around to witness the transformation.

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