Yoga Gone Wrong

The other night, I laid back, with my knees locked under me (the position achieved by sitting on your knees then bending completely backwards until your back is parallel to the floor). As I was laying there, I thought, "What if I fall asleep?" Sure enough, I did.
I'm not sure how many minutes passed by, but when I awoke, I couldn't move my legs. Literally, it was as though I was paralyzed. My brain was telling my legs to move, but they didn't. So over the course of 10 minutes, I manually moved my legs from under me - trying to get the blood recirculating. Finally, I got my limbs moving again, but it was tough.
Will I be doing that again? No. Because not only do I know it's not good on my knees, being paralyzed for that brief moment in time was scary.
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