Pink Trash Travels

PTT Advent Calendar

Every year since moving to Europe, I've created a PTT Advent Calendar. This year is no different. So check back each day from now until December 25th to see what hides behind each door - my favorites of the season. You never know what you'll find.

For the first day of the advent calendar, I chose Scribblish. As described by Hasbro, "A modern spin off traditional parlor games, Cranium Scribblish will have your friends and family trying to outdo each other with imaginative drawings and hilarious comments. Get ready to put your imagination to work and scribble your way to victory as this game tosses players into a world of hilarious interpretations. Creative and outrageous fun for the whole family, Cranium Scribblish is designed for ages eight and up." After all, who doesn't love a fun game night?