Pink Trash Travels

PTT's Take on Spider-Man Turn Off the Dark

Many of you have been wondering what I thought of the new Spider-Man on broadway. I suppose I've been neglecting to post my review as I didn't want to offend our friend Dollar who's in the production. But, I believe I told him after the show what I'll share with you now. In short, the music was "eh," the story a bit confusing and the ending was a tad flat.

According to Dollar, they are tweaking a few elements, including the last scene, so there's still hope that the show can improve itself. But the main confusing element, a spider woman, and the music, seem to be in place with no changes planned. All of which makes me think that the show has an uphill battle to sell enough tickets (over $1MM a week) for it to remain open through the end of next year.

I am excited for our friend Dollar however. He moved to New York to be in the show - and it's an amazing opportunity. I told him as we were talking the other night that I actually got chills thinking of this exciting time for him. "Cherish all of this," I said. "It will go by so fast."

So would I recommend the show? If you want to be part of a cultural phenom, yes. If you enjoy theatre and want to be truly entertained, I'd tell you to think twice. Because amazing theatre it's not. There are other shows on Broadway worth your attention.