Pink Trash Travels

In the words of Cee-Lo, "F**k You" Donald Trump. When asked about gay marriage, Mr. Trump replied, ""New York is a place with lots of gays, and I think it's great. But I'm not in favor of gay marriage," Trump said in an interview that aired late Monday night on Fox News.

So, what you're saying Donald is that you think gays are "great," and you'd take their vote, but you don't feel they deserve the same rights as heterosexual individuals - those over 1,000 Federal benefits that many take for granted.

Thanks for sharing Donald Trump, but as a result: (1) You won't get my vote, ever (2) I'll never spend money in your hotels and (3) You can forget me watching your horrible Apprentice show (as many will forego also). The show sucks and no matter how much you inflate the results, it's not a ratings "winner."