Pink Trash Travels

Making a Connection

Over the past few weeks, pictures have surfaced from the 90s. Our friends are seen in cut-off denim, sporting bobs, dancing on Fire Island. All of which has sparked conversations about that time in gay culture between those who participated and younger generations that seem to have no way of connecting to the hey day of circuit parties.

As I didn't come out until I was 26, I never really jumped in with both feet. I did get my toes wet however (Chicago's Fireball, Diseny's Gay Days and Montreal's Black and Blue). So it's interesting that what goes around comes around - as a large group of us are going to Winter Party in Miami in just a few weeks. We initially joked, "Let's take it old school" as there's something about remembering a time where we didn't eat for weeks, worked out like crazy, and tanned for a golden bronze color - all in the name of attention.

Of course, times change and so do we. It becomes less about the drugs, the box dancing and boy attention and more focused on laughing with friends and dancing under the sun with the Atlantic ocean as a backdrop. And should a glance or two come our way, even better.