It's Official

No, it's not the Instint magazine article. I'm still unsure of the month my story will appear. Rather, it's our move to Munich. Yes, Pink Trash Travels will be relocating to Germany until the end of 2007.
It's a turn of events we didn't expect - but one we're both excited about. Oddly, when we were in Munich in October, we both thought to ourselves, "We could live here." Be careful what you wish for. And in addition to taking care of Chris, his company has offered to find me a job as well. I've forwarded my resume along with what I hope to find - a creative position in production, special events or any job that utilizes the right side of my brain. We'll see what they uncover.
That's not to say I'm going to stop looking in Chicago. I have a few leads I'm following. But trying to interview while overeas isn't easy. No matter, I'm going to do my best. Because as impressive as Munich is, I'm still ready to return home to Chicago. It's just now that move may have to wait a few more months while we enjoy some beer and pretzels. Well, for me, just pretzels.
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