Pink Trash Travels

Instinct in February!

It’s official. With the contract signed today, and the article and pictures delivered on Friday, I’m excited to announce that my piece, “Slice of Life – Parisian Style,” will be featured in February’s issue of Instinct magazine. They also asked to highlight me as a contributing writer – complete with a short bio and accompanying “head shot.” It was an unexpected surprise but one I’m thrilled to accept.

Getting published on a national level is a goal I had upon moving to Paris. And considering I started the process early fall with the identification of Instinct magazine as the publication that most resembled my “voice,” I’m ecstatic the collaboration happened so quickly. And based upon our working relationship and hopeful positive feedback from the article, I’m optimistic we’ll work together again in the future.

So be sure to check it out! Of course, for those back home, I’ll send a reminder email around the middle of January. If anything, maybe I can increase their at least 10!