Pink Trash Travels

Dating Our Apartment

Our apartment search in Munich has been more in, out, up and down than Ms. Lohan's rehab stints. We find an apartment. We lose the apartment. We find an apartment. We lose the apartment. And even though Chris met with the owner of our first choice yesterday who came back to us a few weeks ago asking if we were still interested, our living arrangements in Munich are still in question. Apparently the owner is concerned of our early departure. He'd prefer to rent to someone who's committed long term. Apparently, we're dating the apartment.

So now we wait until he draws a prenuptial agreement that compensates him if we decide to leave after a given time frame. (which, we all know is most likely the case). "Excuse me?" I repeat to myself. Considering two parties were interested in the apartment before construction was completed, I don't think he'll have a problem renting the unit once we leave. In addition, apparently we're required to install a kitchen that would cost upwards of $25,000. "Excuse me?" I continue to repeat to myself. This seems wrong on many levels.

I've told Chris, as his business manager, that we're absolutely NOT spending our money to build a kitchen in a rental. I know it's common in Europe, but this American refuses to budge. In Europe, I'm a renter, not a property owner. As such, I expect a kitchen to be part of the deal. Call me crazy.