Pink Trash Travels

Club Fridays

This week, I actually found a male vocalist dance record worthy of being featured on Club Fridays. Chicago's own Ralphi Rosario remixes Enrique's new single (and oddly titled) Do You Know (The Ping Pong Song). Ralphi's trademark beats work nicely with the song's melody. Link available here.

Jojo does Toto! Her latest single Anything samples Toto's Africa - one of my favorite songs of all time. By punching up the original, WaWa converts Anything's hip hop beats to a more progressive, European sound. And with full-on vocals, it's hard to resist (even if Africa is limited to just the breakdown). Link available here.

Please note: the songs featured on this site are notices to links only (and mostly unavailable for purchase). I do not upload any music - I merely share the links to tracks I find interesting and noteworthy.