Pink Trash Travels

Munich Update

I've neglected to include an update on our Munich move for friends and family back home. Here it is in 140 words or less. For everyone else, well, check back tomorrow for more interesting tidbits you'd find interesting - like why French men dress like cheesy Italians when it's 80 degrees and sunny in Paris.

We've signed a lease and the flat is ours as of May 1. It's to the South and West of Munich's city centre - but just a short 15 minute walk to the heart of downtown. It's a 3 bedroom, 3 bath with two levels. One bedroom will be converted into a walk-in closet as the German's don't usually incorporate closets into the floorplan. It has a bright yellow kitchen - one we'd never buy at home but for Munich it seems appropriate. The flat has two terraces - one off the kitchen perfect for a b-b-q and the other on the second floor (to be used as a sun deck). Movers arrive May 28 for two days to pack our things in Paris. We depart May 31 for Munich in a rented car to arrive in Munich 6-7 hours later.