Pink Trash Travels

Xenophobe Lesson #2

In preparation for our move to Munich, our friend Francesca recently gave us Xenophobe's Guide to the Germans. It's a book that comedically tries to explain German beliefs to a "Xenophobe" - someone who might have an "irrational fear of foreigners." As the publisher states, "To be forewarned is forearmed." So, over the next 8 weeks, I'll be sharing some interesting tibits from the book.

Xenophobe Lesson #2: In Germany, life is serious (or ernsthaft), and so is everything else. Germans go by the rules. Obedience is the "first duty" and no German has ever doubted it. This fits with their sense of order and duty. Germans hate breaking rules, which can make life difficult. Because as a rule, everything not expressly permitted is prohibited. If you are allowed to smoke or walk on the grass, a sign will inform you of this.

Well, now that explains why nobody crosses the street until the light is green - even if there's not a car around for miles.