It's nice having neighbors who can join you for dinner (and ones you want to spend time with on a social occasion). Last night, Molly, David, Chris and I ventured out further than we expected for Asian cuisine and to celebrate Molly's birthday. The food was good but took too long to prepare (it shouldn't take almost three hours to eat Chinese food). What was enjoyable was the company and interesting facts we learned while waiting and waiting and waiting for our food.

Did you know the average German eats 90 frozen pizzas a year? That's almost two a week. Apparently, as concerned as Germans are about quality in their cars and furniture, they aren't as particular when it comes to food. They don't mind consuming a frozen disk that costs around 2€.

Germany's daycare system is quite poor. Up to the age of three, the only real alternative for new parents is for one of them to stay home. And in Germany, that's the wife. This lack of attention to childcare is also one of the contributing factors why Germans don't have a litter of babies. One or two is enough. Otherwise, careers are on hold indefinitely.
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