Pink Trash Travels

Morning Mixtures

When we met our friends out for Sunday brunch last weekend, I was explaining to one of them the protein shakes I create every morning. And considering I just wrote him a note this morning about what's inside the mix, I thought I'd share with everyone else in case you're looking for a before and after workout shake that's loaded with sustaining carbs, quality protein, antioxidants and muscle building supplements. Now of course, if you're trying to lose weight, you'd want to adjust the carb/calorie intake. But considering I'm trying to build gradually, I need the additional ingredients. Enjoy!

8 oz. water
8 oz. POM Wonderful Pom. Juice
1 Actimel (Vanilla)
2 cups Oatmeal
1/2 cup Blueberries
1 cup Protein
2 tbsp. Flax Meal
1 tsp. Creatine
1 tsp. Glutamine
1 tsp. BCAA