Pink Trash Travels

The Housing Report - Our Home's History

Because we're applying for a historical tax freeze, we had to meet with a historic consultant to discuss our home and its history. Here's what we learned:

Our home was built in 1907 for then owner, Oscar Holmgren (sounds Swedish to me!) The permit was for a two story frame residence at a cost of $4,000 (if only it cost us twice as much). And though there's no builder named on the permit, it's believed that Oscar constructed the home for himself as he was a building contractor by trade. Oscar (age 42) lived there with his wife, Mathilda (age 41), and their children Robert (age 14), Effie (age 11), Edith (age 8) and Gordon (age 9 months).

Let's hope I don't hear children's voices when I'm in the house all alone. I shouldn't as Chris consulted a witch at McDonald's who scrubbed the house for spirits. "All is good," she said.