Pink Trash Travels

Marriage 4 Babies Only?

Closing arguments in the Prop. 8 trial in California concluded today with very pointed questions from U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker. See below for an exchange between Charles Cooper, attorney for proponents of the measure, and Walker:

Walker: “Why is it that marriage has such a large public role? What is the purpose?”

Cooper: “This relationship is crucial to the public interest.… Procreative sexual relations both are an enormous benefit to society and represent a very real threat to society’s interest.”

Walker: “Threat?"

Cooper: “If children are born into the world without this stable, marital union … both of the parents that brought them into the world, then a host of very important, very negative social implications arise.... The purpose of marriage is to provide society’s approval to that sexual relationship and to the actual production of children.”

Walker: “But the state doesn’t withhold marriage from people who cannot have children.

Cooper: “It does not.

Walker: “Are you saying the state should?”