Pink Trash Travels

Pink Trash Travels to: Bank of America

I realized I needed money for the cleaning staff tomorrow. So I drive to the Bank of America up the street. I park my car, bounce inside to grab some cash, and out I go. I'm guessing it took all of one minute. As I was jumping in my car, I see behind me a city parking employee with her electronic ticketing machine. I drive away thinking, "Did she just give me a ticket?" So I swing around and find her as she's walking up the street to ask her so I'm dwelling over it until tomorrow.

"Were you parked in the tow zone," she said with a bitter attitude. "No I was waiting," I replied. "Was your car moving," she asked? I shrugged my shoulders with nothing to say. "I didn't give you a ticket," she grunted. "But stay out of the tow zones."

Sure, I was illegally parked for one minute. And yes, I suppose she could have given me a ticket. But why did she need to be so callous with her remarks when I was pleasant enough for two? Perhaps it's the only level of control she has in her life.

All of which made me wonder if the city can issue you a ticket without giving you any documentation stating that you received a violation? I'd think not, but with the City of Chicago, one never knows.