Pink Trash Travels

PV Reviews Janet's Number Ones Tour

Tonight my friend Tom and I saw Janet Jackson at the Chicago Theater for the kick-off of her Number Ones Tour. The 1 1/2 hour set included songs from Control to her latest Discipline (which featured the song that SHOULD have been a hit, Feedback). On one hand, the scaled back presentation was nice as it created an intimate setting (because otherwise you'd never be that close to Janet - so close you could pull her hair). On the other, however, it was odd watching Janet without the elaborate sets, the onslaught of back-up dancers, and hardcore dancing. Instead, the show was more laid back with an easy breezy attitude.

As I sat watching, I couldn't help but to think this could be the last time I see her live. That, and how old I am considering many of her hits take me back to high school and college. So I left the theater feeling conflicted rather than elated. But my friend Paul, in a text back to me after I shared my feelings, wrote, "Don't be sad...old is good as long as you have great memories to remember. Celebrate it." Some of the best words I've read in a long time. Thanks Paul. And thanks Tom and Janet for a fun Monday evening out in Chicago.

Note: The first review is in and they are somewhat in agreement with my assessment. However, the Chicago Tribune blogger appreciates the intimate setting a bit more than I. Check out the review HERE.