Pink Trash Travels

Update from Munich

It's the end of day two in Munich. Before heading to bed, I thought I'd share a few tidbits from our trip so far including:

1) Last night for dinner, I ate the world's most expensive chicken nuggets. Based on the hotel concierge's recommendation, we visited a Thai restaurant on the outskirts of town. My sweet and sour chicken was overly sweet so I was forced to fish out my chicken. For 8 pieces of soggy "goodness," I spent 25 euros.

2) The Sofitel where we're staying is a beautifully designed upscale hotel. Yet, for all the money they spent on lighting concepts, architectural significance and spa extravagance, the French developers forgot to invest in the fitness center. Five cardio machines, a yoga mat, flex ball and futuristic Techno Gym apparatus does not classify as a workout facility.

3) We visited three apartments today. The first was a prison. The second had only one bedroom in the main living area with a second bedroom two floors up behind a bullet proof door. Finally, the third was "Bohemian Quirky" and one we'd consider. But with it being furnished, it's out of the running. Onto day three.

4) With the dress code more relaxed in Munich, it's nice to know I'll be able to visit the grocery store in something less than couture.