Pink Trash Travels

Here We Go Again

I have a cold. All I want is a hot bowl of stove-top prepared chicken noodle soup. The problem is I can't make one because our gas was shut off this morning. Apparently, they were doing work in the building and once they were finished, they forgot to turn ours back on.

I tried calling the Gas Company. I could barely understand a word they were saying. It sounded like Charlie Brown's phone conversations. "Wah, wah, wah, wah." So I headed upstairs to where I hoped I could retrieve some help and to find out if we were the only ones without gas.

I thought I knocked on the family's door that speaks English. Wrong. I bothered a little old French lady and her husband as they were just finishing dinner. She spoke a bit of English, but mostly French. So there I was trying to explain my situation to her in French as her little old husband watched from behind their French glass doors. We called the Gas Company, on my dime, and explained the situation.

Now I wait. From what I understand, the Gas Company will be visiting me later tonight. In French time, that means tomorrow. I guess I'll resort to the microwave for that bowl of soup.