Pink Trash Travels

Club Fridays

For me, finding great dance music is like opening presents on Christmas morning. And sharing them, knowing you enjoy the songs at the gym, at home or in the car, is just as good.

Up first is what I consider the best dance track of the year. A Girl Called Jane's He's Alive remixed by Jody Den Broeder gives me tingles with its piano riffs, hand-clap beats, catchy chorus and driving energy. Personally, it doesn’t get any better than this. Click here to download. And considering it’s one of my favorites, I’m throwing in the Ralphi Rosario mix that takes the song a bit darker and to the circuit dancefloor. Link available here.

Though I featured Beyonce last Friday, I couldn’t wait to share her collaboration with Shakira this week. The Freemasons, who gave Beyonce’s past hits dance floor credibility, return to work their magic on Beautiful Liar. The track, with it's R & B/Latin vibe, is one of the most inspired pairings since disco divas Donna and Barbara climbed the charts in 1979. Look for the dance mix (and original version) to top radio by summertime. Link available here.