Pink Trash Travels

How Time Flies

Tonight, my friend Dave and I started discussing how time flies. After all, it was two years ago next month that Chris and I decided to move to Paris. With that being said, our impending move to Munich in June and subsequent return to Chicago now doesn't seem so far away.

But when I start to think of reverting back to the normalcy of owning a house and having a full-time job, I get scared. "So why would you?" some would say. We travel. We save money. We live a life many dream about. What we're missing, however, are family, friends, gamenights and my future backyard Koi pond.

Then again, I shouldn't even be thinking of what lies ahead next year. As I've learned, it can change in an instant. Just when I think I've figured it out something comes along and reconfigures my Koi pond's timetable. Good thing I don't buy any fish.