Pink Trash Travels

Annoying Little Buggers

Today we picked-up a painting we purchased last weekend. After this 35 minute excursion across maybe 12 blocks, I realized even further why I don't drive in Paris - it's hell. Fortunately for me, I've only operated a vehicle as many times as I can count on one hand. And probably fortunate for others, I don't plan on doing it anytime soon.

It's not the traffic that makes it so horrible. It's the scooters. They weave in and out like snakes through grass. And if you get in their way, it's your fault - no exceptions. If I drove, road rage would surely kick-in. I'd want to bump the little buggers right off the road.

So I walk. I don't even ride my bike as I was almost killed two years ago when I ventured out to find a needle for my turntable. It's better this way - for my health and those around me.