Pink Trash Travels

Finding a Gym

Now that we "think" we know where we'll be living in Munich, I'm on the hunt for a gym like L'Usine in Paris. I've sent emails to hotels. I've contacted friends of friends. We even had the opportunity to visit a few when we were in Munich last February. What I'm finding isn't good. In fact, I'm a bit worried. It looks like I'll be lifting weights in a Bally's rip-off.

It's called Leo's. And apparently it used to be the best gym in Munich. But from what I saw, it might have been the best five years ago. Now, it has old equipment, too many bright colors and not enough urban pizazz. Even worse, there aren't individual showers. It's one big room just like in high school.

Not that I'm overly shy. I just like my privacy when taking a shower - especially when the trolls make their way to the locker room and stalk you while getting ready. Sure, it's a bit sad when you don't get any attention. That usually means you've passed your expiration date. But there's no need to stand and gawk at others while they shower (glance yes, gawk no).

I'm hoping other options open before I have to commit to one gym vs. another. I'm still waiting to hear back from the Mandarin Hotel on their recommendation (I asked the concierge for the nicest and most expensive gym in Munich hoping they'd steer me in the right direction). If not, it looks like I'll be spending less time at the gym than I do now - in both the weight room and locker room as well. I'll lift then run like hell.