Pink Trash Travels

Paris in Spring

Today was the first true day of Spring in Paris. The wind didn't have a bite. The chill was gone - replaced with plenty of sunshine. And as I walked to the open market for a rotisserie chicken for dinner, I started to absorb the sights and sounds of Paris even more than before. Because knowing it's gone in 7 weeks, I realized what I see now is something I'll most likely appreciate once we're gone.

Sure, I have my complaints. People can be bitter and negative. The streets, at times, are dirty. The restaurants usually are smoky. But when you're walking through the park, with the bells of St. Eustache chiming behind you, and people are laughing while they sip a coffee at the corner café, the spring like vibe in the air washes away the negative energy.

So over the next few days, I'm going to try and enjoy the 70 degree weather and resulting jovial spirit the city displays. That is, unless, the streets become filled with protestors from the presidential races. In that case, I'll remember back to today when I had a chicken in hand and a smile on my face.