Kudos 2 Me
I receive television ratings updates everyday via MediaWeek. And, in the email, Marc Berman has a daily trivia question. Having answered yesterday's correctly, I received a "kudos" today. Check it out below:
The answer to yesterday's question.
Remember when Bobby wrote a school paper about his hero on The Brady Bunch? Who was it?
a) Mike Brady
b) Jesse James
c) Davey Jones
d) Joe Namath
e) George Washington
b) Jesse James. That's right…the youngest Brady boy thought this notorious criminal was really groovy! To the masses who answered Joe Namath, the sports great guest starred in the episode when the youngest one in curls, Cindy, wrote him a bogus letter saying Bobby was on his death bed and wanted to meet him. Poor Mike and Carol -- they had their hands full with those mischievous kids.
Current kudos goes to:
Don Abel, Steve Albright, Vanessa Baker, Burt Benoliel, Gerry Bixenspan, Jocelyn Brandeis, Michael Campellone, Paul Certo, Larry Collins, Harold Cooper, Mark Cosenza, Chris Dykhuisen, Josh Emmett, Stephen Ferrara, Holley Ford, Adam Giagni, Maureen Goldman, Shannon Herlihy, Brad Hight, Michael Holland, Jodi Karp, Tom Kilgallon, Irene Kirschner, Synda Kollman, David Lutman, Kathy McClung, Mark Morano, Jim Muraco, Michael Murphy, Frank Nicotero, Cindy O'Connor, Alan Perris, Jodi Perris, Greg Phelan, Liza Reich, Mark Riley, Joe Rubi, Anthony Salerno, Myndi Weinraub, Maureen Winston, Jeanne Yonkers.
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