Pink Trash Travels

The Housing Report

Considering it's almost three weeks since I visited the city for our building permit, I called them this morning to find out what's holding up the process. Of course, our contact has been moved to the South side so he's no longer in the main office. As a result, I talked to Oscar. He actually seemed surprised that our project hadn't been completed yet. He said their supervisor was distributing projects - which could explain the delay. Ours probably got lost. So, he said he'd check into the matter.

In the meantime, we're slowly inching our way into deconstructing the house without overstepping our boundaries due to no permit. Hopefully by the end of the week we'll have that piece of paper in hand so the dumpster can arrive and demolition can begin.

New water line.

Stripping the original wood in the formal living room.

New footings in the basement where we'll be digging it out to gain 4" to 6" in ceiling height.