Pink Trash Travels

Launching T-Licious

Chicago used to be a city filled with dance party events. Sure, Fireball was in the heart of winter, but the circuit event was always a good time. And many years ago, the community supported Sandblast, a lakeside T-dance held after Pride. But for some reason, these events died a slow death.

This year, however, friends are trying to jump start the post pride fun with T-Licious. So if your'e in town, plan on attending the T-dance from 4-10 p.m. at MaxBar. Because if we don't support the first attempt, there's no chance for a repeat performance.

And to help ensure the music is relevant, full of vocals and full tilt energy, I've passed along music to include in DJ Matthew Harvat's set (aka Circuit Mom). If she plays even a handful of what I delivered, it should be a good, good afternoon. If not, well, I'll hunt her down and crown her with pointy tiara.