Pink Trash Travels

PTT Travels to: The Wit Rooftop Loung

Chicago is an amazing city. And to take advantage of the skyline, many bars, restaurants and hotels are opening sky roofs. Last night, we visited one of the more popular destinations - the roof top at the Wit Hotel. In short, I wasn't that impressed.

Sure, the view is stupendous. But if there's not a line to enter the hotel, I shouldn't have to move myself from one roped off area to the next just to appease the bouncers. In addition, if I order a drink that costs $14, I shouldn't get attitude from the cocktail waitress when I also ask for a glass of water. Finally, to all you gents dressed in gold chains and bad shirts untucked, and girls sporting Snooki dresses, you shouldn't have to try so hard to be cool. It comes off as desperate.

So, will the Pink Trash Traveler be returning to the Wit anytime soon? No. I would, however, like to explore other rooftop pit stops (at the Trump Hotel for example). The city is too beautiful during the summer months to stay cooped up in Andersonville every Friday and Saturday night.