Pink Trash Travels

Globe Snarking - The Red Carpet

I thought it could be entertaining to snark as the Globes unfold - first the Red Carpet on E! followed by the show. I won't be as detailed as Nikki Finke from, for example, but a few fun remarks will make for interesting reading tomorrow (I hope). So, away we go...

Ryan Seacrest just interviewed Chris Hemsworth. The man is hot. But who did his hair? It was loaded with gel.

How can Ryan Seacrest not know Eric Stonestreet from Modern Family isn't gay? I'm embarrassed for you Ryan.

Is Helena Bonham Carter raising pigeons in her hair. Comb it out sister!

Giuliana Rancic is sporting a Snookie bump which looks a bit "alien-like" from a side profile.

Sometimes Ryan makes me uncomfortable.

Is Emma Stone wearing a dress made out of peach shammies?

Looking great Armie Hammer.

Ease up on the make-up Keith Urban. That, and sport some heels when standing next to your wife.

The spray tanners in LA must have been working overtime.

I think the rumors could be true: Sofia Vergara seems a bit snooty.

And even though Giuliana has hair from outer space, she's kinda funny.

I wonder what the stars think as they stand behind other stars waiting for Ryan (for example Meagan Fox loitering while Halle chats with Mr. American Idol).

My, Anne Hathaway, those are some big shoulder pads.

X-Tina is looking more and more like Anna Nicole Smith.

Congratulations Johnny Depp. You took a shower.

January Jones wants you to play Tic Tac Toe on her chest.

Christian Bale has nice flowing locks. He must use Living Proof Full shampoo as well.

And here we go with the awards show...